Коли я вступала до університету, то скептично ставилася до комерційного навчання. Пам’ятаю, як уперше знайомилася зі студентами. А за тиждень уже сама захотіла стати старостою і вступити до студради. Активістка й ідеалістка в усьому, окрім самого навчання. Кожен предмет давався мені з перешкодами. Викладання англійською з перших днів, складні предмети, у яких не було підґрунтя зі школи, нові знайомства. Але я працювала. У першу чергу над собою. На третьому курсі я одружилася й народила дитину. А університет усіма способами сприяв моєму навчанню і можливості далі розвиватися. Я щиро вдячна викладачам за розуміння і знання, щиро вдячна керівництву за підтримку й надані можливості. Можливості, що дали мені той рівень знань, який зараз допомагає мені щоденно у веденні сімейного бізнесу, комунікаціям з клієнтами, умінню залагодити непередбачувані ситуації. Так, можливо я недостатньо приділяла уваги навчанню, але зараз усе, що здобула, використовую повною мірою. Адже зазвичай, закінчивши на
It is always a pleasure and a challenge to communicate with our alumni, to learn that they work in various fields, to get their references regarding the university Programs, analysis of their knowledge, tips for improving our education process. Today we are communicating with Ksenia Karpova. Ksenia Karpova – Editor-in-Chief of Podcasts at MEGOGO -Please, mind the gap, the next station is – University. Ironically, but I heard this for five years in a row almost every day when I went to the university. Many times on the two tedious escalators, it seemed like I was wasting my time. On this rise, and in general at school. … I studied not journalism, but management of international economic activities and international business. What for? I didn’t know before. Now I think that for the general development and understanding of how everything is arranged in the world in general. Marketing, all kinds of swot analysis, business ethics, psychology, finance, accounting. Even higher mathematics
Five years spent at Concordia University (Wisconsin International University at that time) were an invaluable experience, which contributed greatly to my future professional success. Many students entering the school had had a previous experience of studying abroad or in an international environment. So, we were looking to capitalize on that and receive a western-style higher education. And this is exactly what WIUU provided for us. Courses being taught in English by American and British professors, Bologna process (which WIUU were one of the pioneers to apply in Ukraine), a multitude of presentations, case studies, group projects and real life simulations that we had to do – all gave us knowledge and skills necessary to feel comfortable in the modern business world. Upon graduating, most of us did not have issues with finding a job (mainly, thanks to an effective internships program, run by the university). Many graduates got employed by international companies (Fortune 500 and the
Roman was our first Student Rector, cofounder of a wonderful team of students involved in charity activities, taking care of faraway schools and orphanages, our first organizer of Miss/Mister WIUU Contests, developer of the first University Internships Catalog, Students Year Book and a lot of various activities educating young generation to develop social responsibility. Let us introduce Roman to the ConcordiaUA students. Coming from a small village in the eastern part of Ukraine, the idea of studying in Kyiv seemed like a far reaching and almost impossible at times. My personal journeys started 15 years ago, when I participated in the Annual English Competition organized by WIUU (now Concordia University). For my parents with the idea that universities should be big and owned by the government, the idea of studying in a smaller privately owned university did not seem like an intuitive one, but I am glad they helped me make the right choice. My years in the university were the best y
Elvira Sakara , Marketing Supervisor at Lifestyle Hearing Corporation , Canada. At WIUU I got all necessary skills and knowledge to be successful at my career . When I was studying in Canada , half of my subjects were transferred from WIUU as it was equal with Canadian requirement. I work at international company and have 7 people under my supervision I am pretty successful and I appreciate the chance that I was given at WIUU. It is the only university in Ukraine that provides opportunity to study and work in international companies. It was the only university where you can get two diplomas , moreover my diploma was proved by World Educational Service as equal to Canadian Master degree. It was very helpful to have professors from all over the world who had practice knowledge of their subjects . I will never forget this amazing years with awesome teachers – best time in my life !
I have graduated from the Ukrainian-American Concordia University back in 2012 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and a Master’s Degree in International Management. My experience with the scholarly process has been overwhelmingly positive, while also providing me with an essential foundation for the future career growth. I have been able to secure my first paid internship at Citibank Ukraine thanks to the university. Following two consecutive terms as an intern, I managed to advance to the Financial Analyst position. My passion for finance and analytics guided me through my further career, while the friendships and acquaintances made during my studies at the Ukrainian-American Concordia University formed my circle of close relationships. Currently, I work as an independent contractor with the leading companies in the fields of Finance, IT, and Management Consulting.
The University gave me that necessary base of knowledge and skills in work, which is the basis of everything. And the ability to competently structure my working time (for which I am grateful to the University’s lecturers) makes it possible to work in different fields and industries without harming my family. Always with warmth, I recall student life and lectures, where teachers told and on their own example gave not only theoretical but also practical knowledge. For which they are MANY THANKS !!!!!
…хочу возразить …, что хороший маркетинг в Украине всё таки можно найти и есть у кого учиться, нужно просто знать где искать! На мой взгляд, наверное, прежде чем переходить к кейсам, лучше выучить теорию! Это как научиться читать-писать, строить предложения, а потом начать изучать литературу. И в Украине высшее образование не так и мертво, как многие заявляют. Низкая мотивация студентов? Это есть! Пошла не на тот курс, что хотела, а туда куда сказали папа-мама? И как результат даже не ходила на пары те единственные 2 недели которые в ВУЗе числилась. Естественно! Прогуливаем пары и скачиваем рефераты из интернета, а дорогу в библиотеку не знали-не знали – и забыли? Канэчно! Однако….для общего развития напишу…., если вы, или ваши знакомые-друзья, захотят получить хорошие знания в области управления предприятием (финансы, бух учёт, юридическая сторона вопроса, HR менеджмент в компании, Логистика и управление складом, менеджмент ресурсов, маркетинг, экономика и многое-много другое что вход
За 4 года в ВМУУ я не разу не пожалел, что выбрал этот университет. Тут большинство предметов читается на английском, что уже само по себе огромный плюс. К тому же преподавательский состав состоит из высокопрофессиональных профессоров и успешных предпринимателей, которые дадут вам не только академические знания, а и поделятся своим опытом.
Мой любимый университет )))) ох как давно это было. Студенческое время было самое яркое. Советую поспешить всем , кто планирует получить достойное и современное образование!
Всі роки в університеті Катрін успішно навчалася та брала активну участь в роботі студентської Ради. Тому Катрін одержала дипломи з відзнакою. Ми вітаємо Катрін Наддур з успішним закінченням бакалаврату та дуже тішимося з того, що будемо мати її ще й студенткою магістратури. Катрін, хай все в твоєму житті буде добре! Інтерв’ю у Наддур Катрін бере студентка І курсу спільної програми менеджмент та міжнародної програми ВВА (Bashelor of Buisness Administration) – Аль Ахмад Загір Ліна Фаді.
WIUU – це унікальне місце та команда, що не тільки дають можливість отримати по-справжньому корисний та актуальний набір знань, але і проявити себе у реальних, конкурентних умовах. Чудовий вибір для тих кому важливо отримати якісну освіту сучасного, міжнародного рівня!
Наближаюся до ще однієї важливої віхи мого життя … Треба визнати, що іноді це був досить складний, але захоплюючий досвід. Мені дуже сподобалося нычатисяі вже починаю відчувати ностальгію … Я хотіла би особливо висловити подяку нашому декану Олені Воловик. Дякую за вашу підтримку, керівництво, лідерство та надхнення! А також усім професорам і викладачам дякую за досвід, знання та наснагу.
Blagomay is a charity organization which was set up by students and graduates from Ukrainian-American Liberal Arts Institute “Wisconsin International University (USA) Ukraine” (WIUU). The mission of the organization is to attract Wisconsin students to moral issues in our society and to combine the willingness to help children in orphanage homes around Ukraine. WIUU students actively participate in different charity projects which are organized by the charity foundation
Patricia Essen graduated from and later worked as an international programs coordinator and instructor at ConcordiaUA (WIUU) now she is a successful entrepreneur: At WIUU you will get invaluable knowledge combined with professional skills necessary for your career as well as many new interesting friends. Here the students are greatly motivated to become independent by means of individual and team activities. Just don’t be late!
I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to you for organizing the student exchange program between University of Trier and ConcordiaUA (Wisconsin International University (USA) Ukraine). This Winter Semester 2017 was one of the most brightest and valuable times of my life. During exchange period I made many new friends from different countries, improved my proficiency of German language & culture, and obtained professional theoretical knowledge.
I am currently working for my MBA degree at University of Michigan Ross School of Business, and I must admit that my studies at WIUU were very instrumental in all aspects of my MBA endeavor. Most of the core curriculum classes at Ross, including microeconomics, statistics, accounting, and finance were very similar to the ones I worked through at WIUU. Moreover, while at Ross I had no problems adapting to the requirments of American Professors and overall classroom experience, so I could hit the ground running. Ome of the exciting opportunities offered by the top MBA programs in the U.S. is recruiting with top multinational corporations. I was lucky to spend my internship summer at Google, European Headquarters in Dublin, Ireland.
My name is Roman Shatov and I have been working with Deutsche Bank for over two challenging, but successful years. My current responsibilities mainly include Implementation of local and global deals and product management tasks. The education and practical experienced world-wide Deutsche Bank team. Cooperation with foreing colleagues from absolutely different parts of the world allows me to further develop skills and knowledge of International Bisiness received at WIUU.
Currently I live in Moscow, moved here in October 2015, as received an offer from Ernst and Young. This company is a member of so-called Big Four – major international audit companies that provide both auditing and consulting services. (Big Four: Ernst and Young, KPMG, PwC, Deloitte). I work in an audit department of the financial sector, my main and the most important customer at the moment is “Sberbank”, Russia’s largest bank by the number of assets, so in general I like everything. I have worked for almost a year already, was promoted to Analyst of the 2nd year a week ago and now I am going straight to the goal – to work a little more and transfer to our office in another country!)) After graduation from ConcordiaUA (Wisconsin International University (USA) in Ukraine) I went to the UK to obtain Master’s degree, studied Finance and Accounting at Warwick Business School. Currently this school is around 5-6th in the ranking of universities in the United Kingdom, and ConcordiaUA (WIUU)
Hello everyone! My name is Julia Orel. 4 years ago I left the walls of our university. Without hesitation, I got married. After working for a year as a personal assistant of the owner of Jewelry House Zarina Natalya Netovkina, I decided to leave and have a child in the USA. With my husband we made our dream come true and decided to stay and live in this beautiful country. It is not in vain that I studied in the American university. Currently we are working with my husband in his business. Knowledge of most subjects helps me now in many issues. Sometimes I think that I had to study harder because now I feel like going through all 4 courses again, only at work. What is very pleasant, is my knowledge of English. It is nice to hear surprised questions from people, where I have learned the language. I am grateful to ConcordiaUA (Wisconsin International University (USA) Ukraine) for this, and even here, on the territory of America, I always tell about it.
We graduated from ConcordiaUA (WIUU) in 2014. Since that time Rostyslav worked as market research analyst at Nielsen company, where he daily conducted marketing and financial analysis and forecasts for market leaders. Artemiy worked as manger and business trainer in Team Expert training company. In 2015 we decided to open a steampunk Pub in Krakow, Poland. We created business plan and found a group of investors to make their dream come true. Our Pub opened its doors in February 2016. It is located in the 16th century cellar in the very heart of Krakow. Pub attracts guests by karaoke nights, quest game, board-game tournaments, disco parties, and sportive translations. We both, Artemiy and Rostyslav admit that our business had no chanses to exist without backgroung we have received in WIUU. The university gave us knowledge and skills which helped us to open and run our business on highly competitive market. Besides important subjects such as Human Resourse Management, Operational M
I have been living and working in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai, for a year already. I work in the restaurant of the famous chef Gordon Ramsay (Bread Street kitchen), which is located at the hotel Atlantis the Palm. My position is restaurant assistant manager (we call it headwaiter). A lot of work, a lot of stress, as it is abroad, and requirements are high. But it’s a good experience with international people, different mentality. It develops very good resistance to stress. Of course, education in ConcordiaUA (Wisconsin International University (USA) Ukraine) was very useful, and not only English, but also everything else)) I don’t intend to stop at one place, but plan to develop further and try other countries.
If you’re an educational professional who are looking to progress into management and consultancy, or an educational planning or development role, this is the best degree for you.
Working in Porsche Finance Group I found useful the knowledge WIUU provided me through almost 4 years of my education. Porsche Finance is large international company and their field of business is leasing and crediting cars from official dealers in Ukraine. Surely, the most useful knowledge for me, working there as trainee, was English and Business English. My primary duties included communication with a lot of colleagues, business partners and, sometimes, top management from Austria. I am glad that on our weekly meetings I understood every word and all the business-terms my colleagues operated. I also would like to mention our Multinational Enterprise and Theory of Economy classes, where I got nice theoretical background. This allowed me to accommodate quickly inside the company, understand principles of their work and used my knowledge on practice. I am thankful to WIUU instructors for their work and for the desire to do the best for the students.
I was an intern in FIDOBANK for two month during winter 2014. During this time I got valuable experience in social and business spheres. I was given an opportunity to work for several departments: Research department and Business Support Unit. It helped me to learn the organizational structure and get a better understanding of the company`s operations. From the first day of internship I felt the friendly atmosphere, but a student or a potential employee should not be surprised that nobody going to tell you how to do the job or how to calculate the financial ratios. Banking is a specific area and only those who have a pure hard work, great efforts and enthusiasm provide great results. I am thankful to our university for giving such a wonderful opportunity.
Over 50,000 students from over 280 universities in 45 different countries have already put themselves in the shoes of an International Brand Manager. Annual International L’Oreal Brandstorm competition is a unique opportunity for students to show their talents and knowledge, it is chance to become a marketing brand manager in international marketing competition and present a new product line for an existing L’Oreal brand. Along with other teams from WIUU I participated in this competition. I can’t even describe how useful this experience was. All the work that the team and its separate members have done will always remain useful in our future careers. We clearly realized all the necessary qualities that a good manager would need and how to use our knowledge to its best. L’Oreal marketing game is a great opportunity for students to activate their abilities, greatly develop those abilities and actually enjoy the work that is done.
I was an intern in Pfizer for two months during summer 2011. This was an extremely valuable experience that helped me in my future professional life. During the internship, I was given an opportunity to work for several departments: Business Development, HR, Veterinary, and Procurement. It helped me to learn the organizational structure and get a better understanding of the company’s operations. As a result of this internship, I gained useful skills and competencies and grasped the conception of working process in general. Pfizer is a leading international company which has an exceptional team of competent, good-hearted professionals on board. From the first day of internship I felt the friendly atmosphere and was able to get acquainted with a lot of good people just in couple of days. If you are looking for an internship in a company that will help you to gain new valuable skills and knowledge, I would definitely recommend Pfizer.
Alla Royuk is a Research Analyst for Ukraine at Pedersen & Partners. She is a recent graduate from WIUU. Her major disciplines include Risk Management, HRM, HR Communication, Marketing and PR. Alla got her professional experience at Tissen Krupp, Bureau Veritas International companies. I applied to this Position with the help of the University HR Manager Mariana Shatova. The first interview was held by the Research Assosiate who recommended me to his boss. I was hired not as an Intern, but as a Research Analyst due to my previous experience in this field. Of course, I have a huge responsibility for finishing projects on time and meeting the requirements of our partners, such as Philip Morris International, Samsung, British American Tobacco, Freshtel, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bayer, Novartis, Pfizer, and many others. Even though, you may work overtime, it is a great opportunity to strengthen your skills, communicate with different organizations, and learn all processes within the Company.
Current position: Chief Financial Officer at CrossWorld Warranty, Inc; partner at private consulting company. The greatest advantage of students coming from the WIUU is their knowledge of English, business concepts and ability to grasp ideas quickly and get them to work. Of course, much of the success depends on the abilities of a particular student: his desire to study, his persistence in achieving the best results, self-discipline. All matters for future career success.
WIUU has given me the greatest background of practical knowledge in business processes, management procedures and strategic planning. The most valuable thing I got from the University is my goal-oriented type of thinking and the general business outlook. Besides, I was taught the ability to think “out of the box” and the art to find optimal solutions for any problematic issues that arise within the organization. My professional skills in practical application of management functions, finance, marketing, HR, business ethics and other business components applied during my University years now make me a successful manager of a developing business.
I’ve been working at METRO Cash & Carry since July of 2005. At first I was an intern at the Nonfood Purchasing Department. It was a real pleasure for me to work in a team of such professionals. Within those 2 months, while I was on practice, I fell in love with the company. It really gave me a lot. I gained priceless experience in a foreign company. When my practice came to an end in August I was very sad to leave. I addressed the HR Department asking for a permanent position. After that I went through a couple of interviews and came back as an employee in November of 2005. Today I’m an HR Assistant. I am very pleased the company gave me an opportunity to continue my working here.
I am currently working in OTP Bank Ukraine in Kiev in the position of Deputy Head of Collection Department. I started working in this bank three years ago as an intern student, performing bank clerical work. The experience gained helped me to learn more about the banking system in general, improve my knowledge of management and grow professionally. I want to kindly thank my university for giving me this opportunity of internship, and I hope our students will keep getting such opportunities, which would be helpful for them to define their future line of work.
During my Study in WIUU I had a great experience in both education and student life. I would describe university program as quite competitive on Ukrainian education market, it provides students with ability to work in groups, enhance critical thinking and decision-making. It is worth mentioning that student empowerment in WIUU is on a higher level than in most of other educational institutions. Ofcource knowledge of language can be improved here as well. University also encourages students to take part in different events of social and professional thematic. Personally I took a great pleasure from taking part at 2 economic conference. Also university staff really does help students find internship possibilities and study program on latest courses is mainly designed in such a manner that students are able to visit at least a part time job jointly with university classes.
Officer of dealer care center. (DCC Officer) at Porsche Finance Group It is a great pleasure for me to be a part of the PFG team spirit and it would’ve not happened without WIUU that loves its students greatly. I’m thankful to Alexandra and the whole university staff as well that they have given me the opportunity to find the loveliest service provider. Josef Graf The Chairman of the Management Board at Porsche Leasing and Porsche Finance Group WIUU, thank you for your partnership! We get only best personalities from your institute, as Lisa Marchenko is one of them. We are very proud about their engagement and spirit, and love to work with them as well than with WIUU as our partner university! Thank’s a lot! About Porsche It is a unique company with strong ideals. Our values and philosophies permeate through everything we do to ensure that we always remain true to our principles. We constantly meet our own high demands and have a definite idea about who we are and how we approach