One of the key areas of international cooperation of KhNEU. S. Kuznets is teaching students under joint programs of two diplomas with foreign institutions of higher education. A feature of the joint programs of the two diplomas is the implementation of the educational process simultaneously at KhNEU. S. Kuznets and in a foreign partner university. As a result of successful completion of the double degree program, students receive diplomas of higher education of the European standard of two universities - KhNEU. S. Kuznets and European freelance partner. International double degree programs have the following advantages:
  • improving the quality of education, obtaining multidisciplinary education;
  • opportunity to receive grants for study abroad;
  • combination of study abroad and at KhNEU. S. Kuznets;
  • gaining experience in higher education in Europe, training and practice in an intercultural environment;
  • gaining professional experience in two countries - internships abroad at European companies;
  • promoting the growth of competitiveness of graduates of KhNEU. S. Kuznets in both domestic and international labor markets.
Implementation of joint programs of the two diplomas involves the award of qualifications and the issuance of double diplomas of masters or bachelors of KhNEU. S. Kuznets and European universities.