As a student of Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol state pedagogical university, I can say that my university years are perfect and easy. I am their special student and I am treated with so much care. My doctor takes control of my health throughout the whole year. I am taken care of to the point that studying isn't that hard because they are of big help to me. As a foreigner, I never felt out of place because they made sure to make me feel at home. They support me a lot and help me proceed through the university years. Moreover, all my essentials were provided, whether they were something related to University or even to my dorm. I am very satisfied with my dorm, for it is so safe and cozy. You never get scared or worried that someone might harm you or get in your way. Add to that, I got engulfed in the Ukrainian culture and life to the point that I feel like I am one of them.
I consider the Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol state pedagogical university to be a pretty good university, at least the Department of Informatics, Mathematics, and Economics, which tries not only to teach that it does well but also to diversify student life. They arrange trips, invite outstanding people in the field related to your faculty. The university program is just as good, it does not burden students too much trying to give them really important knowledge that will be useful in mastering their profession.