Pre-university training Educational and Research Center for Foreign Citizens Training Educational and Research Center for Foreign Citizens Training trains foreign students who plan to receive professional education at the Poltava State Medical University. Educational and Research Center for Foreign Citizens Training, as a structural unit of the university, provides training for foreign citizens to master the future specialty. Students study the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian language for Academic Purpose, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Basics of Computer Science, Linguistics Course "Local History". Foreign citizens arriving for full-time study (1 year) study the Ukrainian language,Ukrainian language for Academic Purpose, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Basics of Computer Science, linguistics course "Local History". In addition, given the bilingualism of the Poltava region, students have an introductory second language course. The term of study of the full course with the study of these disciplines is 37 weeks of classroom classes and 4 weeks of sessions. Semester training. After the first semester, students take differentiated pass/fail tests in natural sciences and oral and written language exams. After the second semester - final exams in language (oral and written), chemistry, biology, physics and differentiated pass/fail tests in mathematics, computer science, country studies. Students who have successfully passed the tests and final exams receive a Certificate of Graduation of the appropriate sample. For foreign citizens who plan to study at the university in basic specialties in English medium of study, an intensive course of Ukrainian as the language of communication, Ukrainian language for Academic Purpose and Biology in English is offered. Educational and Research Center for Foreign Citizens Training offers not only language training, but also the systematization of knowledge in specialized subjects and promotes the adaptation of future students to the new educational space. The priority areas of the center are: - language training in the amount sufficient for the first-year study with provision a foreign student with the minimum necessary communicative competence, in particular the skills of academic language (depending on the chosen specialty); - bringing the level of knowledge in specialized disciplines to the requirements of general secondary education in Ukraine; - socio-cultural adaptation of students to the conditions of study and living in Ukraine.