How to get an invitation
To receive an invitation to study, the candidate must provide the following documents:
scanned copy of national passport;
scanned copy of the document on education with the received marks (points) from all disciplines or the academic certificate;
consent to the collection and processing of personal data.
A foreign citizen or a stateless person may receive an invitation to study in person from the director of the Center for International Education, by e-mail or through a business entity with which a relevant agreement has been concluded with ONAHT.
Persons who speak Ukrainian or Russian draw up consent in one of these languages, and those who do not speak these languages draw up consent in English. The completed application form with a personal signature is scanned by the candidate for training and sent by e-mail to the director of the CMO or the business entity with which he has concluded an individual agreement.
After receiving an invitation to study and a visa "D", the foreigner informs the Academy or the business entity about the time and place of crossing the border of Ukraine to organize a meeting and accompany the candidate to ONAHT.