Міністерство освіти і науки України

Український державний центр міжнародної освіти

ПВНЗ "Київський медичний університет"

Форма власності: приватний

Форма власності: приватний

Відгуки студентів

Софія Середа

Софія Середа


Я студентка 2-го курсу фармацевтичного факультету. Я ще з 9 класу знала, що буду вступати до медичного університету і в 11 класі зразу обрала наш КМУ❤️ Спочатку я думала, що навчання буде нудним, звичайним, сірим, але з першого дня зрозуміла, що помилялася. Наш університет бере активну участь в різних проєктах, акціях. Незважаючи на пандемію, на дистанційне навчання, ми зблизилися з адміністрацією, студрадою, кураторами. Завжди є зворотній зв’язок і це дуже круто.

Олександра Рибінська

Олександра Рибінська


Я студентка 3 курсу медичного факультету! Я відразу знала, що буду вступати саме до КМУ, тому що це найсучасніший медичний університет України. Через можливість участі студентства у проєктах (освітніх, культурно-масових), в КМУ ніколи не буває сумно і нудно. Уважне і лояльне відношення адміністрації та викладачів налаштовує на позитивний лад й мотивує до кращого навчання! Я цікавлюсь акушерством та гінекологією і маю на меті допомагати жінкам. Дуже важливо бути людиною, яка бере участь у народженні нового життя!

Asamani Emmanuel

Asamani Emmanuel


I am a student of 4th course, faculty of medicine of Kyiv Medical University. Prior to applying to study at this university, I spent a considerable amount of time researching the facilities and the standard of tuition on offer. It became apparent that the University genuinely cares about the progress and development of its students. The depth of knowledge gain in respect of the subject matter, the level of expertise and knowledge lecturers have, and the wider communication and interpersonal skills gained, makes it the best university in Europe. There are organisations in the University that you can join. They help you develop your “people skills” and expand your community. As we all know, “no man is an island”. Dr. Oleksandr Pokanevych, the president of the University, and heads of other departments inspire us medical students to be selfless and advocate for better societies for all.

Shekhar Maan Shrestha

Shekhar Maan Shrestha


I am currently in 5th course, studying General Medicine. The overall experience as a student of KMU has been highly positive. I mainly appreciate the way how the University is recompensating the lack of classes on the campus caused by pandemics. The workshops and demonstrations are of immeasurable value nowadays and the teachers are giving their 100%. Also, the format of running the medical program subject in an online manner is keeping students a safe heaven and allows us to reach to the lecturers at any time. The communication between students and professors has improved, we can directly reference our concerns about the topic using the resources provided by the lecturer themselves thus causing a more straightforward approach. Looking from a perspective of a 5th year student, I rate my choice of KMU as a proper one. The location of the campus and proximity to the most influential scientific institutions in Ukraine make great opportunities to connect and network with like-minded people. I would recommend choosing KMU to the people who are looking for a high educational value, metropolitan lifestyle and an ambition to excel as a medical student.

Shahrukh Ansari

Shahrukh Ansari


This is my 4th year of studying at Kyiv Medical University. My experience thus far has been amazing. I have learnt and experienced so many new things in such a short period of time, and it has gone by so fast. I am still discovering all the opportunities that the University offers me. KMU is a very welcoming place, and from the first day, I felt at home here. I have made many new friends from many different backgrounds. My classes are great and I enjoy every one of them. All the teachers here are highly educated and supportive. The depth and detail of what we are learning is an amazing experience in itself. Thank you Kyiv Medical University!

Sahbaj Khan

Sahbaj Khan


I am final year medical student (MBBS) of Kyiv Medical University, which is one of the best medical universities of Ukraine. Speaking of my 6 year journey as a foreigner studying medicine here in Kyiv Medical University, Ukraine, there hasn't been any sort of problem since Day 1 of my time of studying medicine. Our Kyiv Medical University has some excellent teachers along with supportive and highly cooperative non-teaching staff and that has helped me a lot in my academics and clinical skills. I would like to point out, Kyiv Medical University supports and helps us in every festival and organizes festivals like Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha and Ramadan. I also go for Namaz every Friday to mosques here, which are really very peaceful and beautiful. And speaking about Kyiv, it is an amazing city and is one of the best cities in whole of Europe to stay in. Even the Ukrainians are so very helpful and cooperative with the foreigners and I never came across any frictions between local Ukrainians and foreign communities. That sums for the reason why I opted Kyiv Medical University in particular to study medicine. It shall make an excellent doctor out of every student who will come to study here.