To obtain type D visa a prospective student shall submit a list of documents to the consulate of Ukraine in respective country, according to the list of documents indicated on the Embassy’s website. Such a list of documents always includes the original of the Invitation to study.

You need to inform the University in 5 days (!!!) before coming and send us your ticket and invitation number. When you have your date of arrival to Ukraine fixed, it is critically important to send a timely notification to your University about the date, time and point (airport) of your arrival and flight number. You are advised to inform your university you need someone to meet you in the airport in case your friends, relatives or acquaintances who are already staying in Ukraine cannot meet you. If your friends or acquaintances are meeting you at the airport, you are advised to inform the University of their contact details as the University sends these details to the border control. During passport control the Border Service can verify whether the persons mentioned in the notification to the University are meeting you.