Preparatory department
Preparatory department of foreign citizens
Preparation of foreign citizens and stateless persons for admission to higher education institutions of Ukraine is one of the types of educational activities.
Foreigners who have expressed a desire to obtain higher education in Ukraine mostly do not speak Ukrainian or Russian, and the level of their secondary or secondary special education needs to be improved to the level of Ukrainian educational standards.
For this purpose, in ONAHT, as well as in many institutions of higher education in Ukraine, according to the License (Information on educational activities), approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, a preparatory department of foreign citizens of the Center for International Education (hereinafter - PVIG).
The Preparatory Department of Foreign Citizens in our institution of higher education has existed since December 1990. During this time, it has changed many times. In 2013, during structural changes, PVIG merged with the Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens of the former Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration (ODAH). Now PVIG is subordinated to the department of education of foreign citizens of CMO and is located separately in the educational building №4 at the address: Odessa, st. Shady, 9/11.
The main tasks of preparing students for PVIG are:
in-depth study of the Ukrainian or Russian language (optional), sufficient for further study at basic faculties, postgraduate or doctoral studies in higher education institutions of Ukraine. In this case, the main requirement is the formation of a foreign student the necessary vocabulary and professional terminology (according to the chosen direction of training), without which further successful learning is not possible;
systematization of knowledge of the level of general secondary or secondary special education received by foreigners at home (or abroad) and bringing it to the level of requirements of secondary education in Ukraine.
PVIG performs the following functions:
1. issuance of orders on enrollment, deduction and issuance of foreign citizens and stateless persons;
2. registration and storage of personal files of students;
3. reporting activities;
4. issuance of necessary letters, confirmations, archival and other certificates;
5. compilation of programs for each discipline and direction of training, curricula, schedules of the educational process (for each study group), schedule of classes for the month;
6. organization and holding of scheduled classes, credit-examination sessions and unscheduled excursions;
7. organization and conduct of professionally-oriented and educational work with students;
8. creation and preservation of the electronic database and archival documents of PVIG.
Language training and teaching of natural sciences at PVIG is carried out by highly qualified and experienced teachers in two educational sections, these are:
section of language didactics;
section of natural sciences.